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InsurTech Europe: AI In Insurance


Augmize is an innovative startup that has developed an emerging intangible risk platform, revolutionizing the way businesses identify and manage intangible risks. With a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of risk management, Augmize provides a cutting-edge platform that empowers businesses to effectively assess and mitigate intangible risks. By leveraging advanced technologies and data analytics, Augmize enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve and navigate the complexities of intangible risks in today's rapidly changing business environment.

The Augmize platform offers businesses a comprehensive solution to identify and analyze various intangible risks, such as reputational risks, cyber risks, and regulatory risks. By aggregating and analyzing vast amounts of data from diverse sources, Augmize provides actionable insights that help businesses make informed decisions and proactively address potential risks. With real-time monitoring and predictive analytics, Augmize equips businesses with the tools and information they need to mitigate risks, protect their assets, and ensure continuity in an increasingly dynamic and uncertain marketplace. Augmize's emerging intangible risk platform is a game-changer for businesses seeking to navigate the complex landscape of intangible risks and safeguard their long-term success.


Greater Than is an innovative startup that offers a glimpse into the future of driving through the power of artificial intelligence. By harnessing advanced AI technology, Greater Than has developed a groundbreaking platform that converts GPS driving data into valuable insights on crash probability and climate impact. This transformative approach revolutionizes the way we understand and assess driving behavior, paving the way for safer roads and a more sustainable future.

Using cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning techniques, Greater Than analyzes vast amounts of GPS data to accurately predict the probability of crashes. By identifying patterns and correlations in driving behavior, the platform provides valuable information that can be leveraged by insurance companies, fleet operators, and policymakers to promote safer driving practices and mitigate risks. Furthermore, Greater Than's AI-powered platform also assesses the environmental impact of driving, helping individuals and organizations make more informed choices to reduce their carbon footprint. With Greater Than, the future of driving is not only safer but also more sustainable, as AI technology paves the way for data-driven insights and positive change in the automotive industry.


Qantev is an innovative startup that has developed a smart health claims platform aimed at revolutionizing the insurance industry. With a focus on augmented insurance, Qantev provides a cutting-edge software solution that streamlines health insurance operations and enhances decision-making processes. By leveraging advanced technology and data analytics, Qantev empowers insurance providers to achieve excellence in their operations, enabling them to focus on making informed decisions rather than being burdened by complex data engineering tasks.

Through its smart health claims platform, Qantev simplifies and automates the claims process, reducing administrative burdens and improving efficiency. The software utilizes advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to accurately process and evaluate health insurance claims, ensuring faster and more accurate reimbursement for policyholders. By eliminating the need for extensive manual data engineering, Qantev enables insurance providers to devote more time and resources to strategic decision-making, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience. With Qantev's smart health claims platform, insurance operations can achieve new levels of excellence, providing enhanced services and outcomes for policyholders.

Overall, Qantev's software solution brings a transformative approach to health insurance operations, enabling insurance providers to leverage augmented intelligence and data analytics to drive efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. By streamlining processes and focusing on decision-making rather than data engineering, Qantev helps insurance operations reach new levels of excellence and effectiveness in delivering quality healthcare coverage to policyholders.

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