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InsurTech Europe: Data Privacy


Decentriq specializes in enabling trust through their Data Clean Rooms. With their solution, businesses can collaborate with external partners on sensitive datasets while maintaining the highest level of data privacy. Neither the external partners nor Decentriq can access or view the actual data, ensuring a secure and confidential environment for data collaboration.

Data Clean Rooms are designed to address the challenges of data sharing and collaboration while protecting sensitive information. By utilizing Decentriq's solution, businesses can establish a trusted environment where they can securely collaborate with external partners, such as vendors, research institutions, or other organizations, without compromising the privacy of their data.

Decentriq's approach ensures that sensitive data remains protected throughout the collaboration process. Instead of directly sharing the data itself, the Data Clean Room allows for computations and analyses to be performed on the data without revealing its contents. This means that external partners can contribute their expertise and insights without gaining access to the actual data.

The privacy and security of data are paramount for Decentriq. Their solution is built on proven technologies and protocols, ensuring that data remains encrypted and protected at all times. By leveraging cutting-edge privacy-preserving techniques, Decentriq enables businesses to collaborate confidently, knowing that their data is secure.

To experience the trust and privacy provided by Decentriq's Data Clean Rooms, you can visit their website at Their solution empowers businesses to collaborate with external partners on sensitive datasets while upholding the highest standards of data privacy and security. By utilizing Data Clean Rooms, organizations can unlock the benefits of data collaboration while maintaining strict control over their data.


Statice offers a powerful solution that enables businesses to generate real value from synthetic data. Their platform addresses challenges related to data governance silos and regulatory constraints, allowing organizations to effectively utilize data without being hindered by regulations such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). By anonymizing and removing data from the scope of regulations, Statice significantly reduces the time it takes for businesses to access data, cutting it from months to hours.

With Statice, organizations can benefit from a faster time-to-data, enabling them to accelerate their data-driven initiatives. On average, businesses experience a fourfold increase in the speed of accessing data, empowering them to make quicker and more informed decisions.

Furthermore, Statice's solution ensures the effectiveness of machine learning (ML) performance. With a 97% observed effectiveness rate, businesses can confidently leverage synthetic data to train and improve their ML models, even when dealing with regulatory limitations and privacy concerns.

By utilizing synthetic data, businesses also avoid the risk of GDPR fines. Statice's platform allows organizations to generate synthetic data that is compliant with privacy regulations, eliminating the need to work with sensitive and personally identifiable information. This results in zero GDPR fines associated with the use of synthetic data.

To benefit from the value generated by synthetic data and overcome regulatory constraints, you can visit Statice's website at Their platform empowers organizations to unlock the potential of data by anonymizing and generating synthetic data that is both compliant and highly effective. By leveraging Statice's solution, businesses can accelerate their data initiatives, enhance ML performance, and mitigate privacy risks associated with sensitive data.


Tap is a mobile app and innovative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that enables companies to foster a positive privacy dialogue with their customers. With Tap, businesses can prioritize privacy and build trust by offering their customers greater control over their personal data.

The app provides a user-friendly interface through which customers can manage and control their data preferences. Customers have the power to decide which data they want to share, with whom, and for what purpose. This level of transparency and control empowers customers to actively participate in the data-sharing process, creating a more open and trusting relationship between businesses and their customers.

Tap's CRM features are designed to facilitate this privacy dialogue. Companies can use the platform to communicate with their customers, inform them about data usage practices, and seek their consent for specific data processing activities. By actively engaging customers in the privacy conversation, businesses can strengthen their relationships and enhance customer satisfaction.

By leveraging Tap, companies demonstrate their commitment to privacy and data protection. The app aligns with privacy regulations and best practices, ensuring that customer data is handled responsibly and securely. This enables businesses to comply with privacy laws, build a positive brand image, and cultivate customer loyalty.

To embrace a customer-centric approach to privacy and experience the benefits of Tap's innovative CRM solution, you can visit their website at By adopting Tap, companies can establish a positive privacy dialogue with their customers, enhance transparency, and foster trust in the digital era.

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