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Major risks insurers should get ready to face - Four area of change in the banking space - How to get the most of data?

Major risks insurers should get ready to face

The top risks and major risers in this year's annual business risk survey reflect the big issues facing companies around the world right now - digitalization, climate change and an uncertain geopolitical environment. Many of these risks are already hitting home, with extreme weather, ransomware attacks and regional conflicts expected to test the resilience of supply chains and business models further.

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Four area of change in the banking space

In the age of compound volatility, the banking sector finds itself navigating a myriad of near-term challenges while keeping their eyes trained on their longer-term goals. The year ahead is shaping up to be defined by geopolitical instability, an evolving regulatory environment, and a muddled economic picture. Despite the challenges, our 2024 banking trends strikes an optimistic tone as the future could bring good news. With each trend, we cover the challenge but also share reasons for positive change. As we see it, the banking industry in 2024 is challenged but undaunted with brighter days in the year ahead.

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How to get the most of data?

It’s a 21st-century gold rush. Organizations around the world are racing to unlock the value of data by using the latest technologies and techniques, including artificial intelligence and advanced analytics. But, as with the gold prospectors of yore, today’s data miners often end up sifting through fragments rather than minting bullion bars.

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