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InsurTech weekly - New year, new horizons in insurance distribution?

Discover insights on AI's impact across industries, the evolving role of insurance agents, and the data challenges in bancassurance. Explore reports by BCG, Roland Berger, and Arthur D. Little highlighting trends and strategies shaping the insurance landscape.

1/ AI: How insurance compares to other industries?

The first article is a report the BCG put together on the value AI has already delivered across industries. Embracing a single methodology the report explores several industries on where they stand with AI, challenges incumbents perceive and where these technologies are expected to deliver the most value.

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2/ Are we getting closer to the end of insurance agents? (BestOf)

The second article is a report Roland Berger and InsurTech Hub Munich put together on the state and future of insurance distribution. It starts with a big picture of where agent-based networks stand, highlights major challenges they face (including demographic) and lists ways to build tech-based schemes to fit with evolving customers' needs.

3/ The data challenge in bancassurance

The third article is a report Arthur D. Little put together on the data challenge in bancassurance. It explores four pillar for incumbents to get the most of such opportunities and deliver more value to their customers. This includes business, legal and operations alongside... technology !

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