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IBM and industry experts explore how Generative AI is reshaping insurance, the barriers to AI adoption in financial services, and why autonomous cars lag behind in Europe.

1/ Generative AI in insurance

The first article is a report IBM put together on the state and future of Generative AI in the insurance industry. It details both opportunities and existing use-cases. The latest highlight most incumbents have been leveraging AI solutions to revamp the user interface, while customers would value more to get personalized offers. And based on a survey of 1,000 senior insurance executives, it appears half of them perceive AI as a risk, the other half rather see it as an opportunity!

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2/ A product perspective on AI in Financial Services

The second article is an essay from Simon Taylor on why there are not yet great AI products in Financial Services. It explores both the opportunity to leverage AI solutions to address core banking functions and major challenges (namely compliance and explainability) incumbents need to tackle first.

3/ Why Autonomous Cars lag behind in Europe?

The third article, published on Fortune, explores the gap between the US and Europe in terms of Autonomous Cars initiatives. The article highlights the broadening gap between live initiatives spreading across the US while Europe is still testing at local scale. It also lists what it would take for self-driving cars to become a reality in Europe.

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