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InsurTech weekly - From a growing threat to a new insurance business line?

Explore Deloitte’s latest report on insurance market trends, the growing opportunity of embedded SME lending, and an investor’s take on the ROI of AI investments in tech giants.

1/ Insurance market trends

The first article is a report Deloitte put together on insurance market trends. While the overall market is expected to enjoy a limited growth, Deloitte's yearly report emphasizes "new risks" and the opportunity to think differently around them. It also covers how AI could impact the insurance industry and explores related data and HR challenges.

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2/ Is the future of lending embedded?

The second article is an essay from Alex Johnson on the opportunity to embed SME lending. It details where this embedded lending opportunity stands, comes back to its roots and highlights its value-added in an SME perspective. In addition, it lists challenges players in that space have successfully tackled and those still to overtake.

3/ An ROI perspective on AI

The third article published on The Verge explores the broadening gap between money tech giants are investing in AI-related technologies and revenu streams they have generated from them so far. It leverages an interview with investors from Menlo Ventures and Air Street Capital who share their own perspective and how they anticipate the future or AI-based revenues.

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