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Discover EY’s insights on insurance trends, Apple’s new Digital Health research, and expert predictions on data infrastructure, including AI, storage, and governance.

1/ The future of insurance

The first article is a report EY published recently on major trends structuring the insurance industry. The 25-page report begins with an overview of the political, economic, and regulatory landscapes. It then examines market opportunities across different business lines, highlighting "emerging risks" that incumbents must address. Finally, my favorite section focuses on tech trends insurers should incorporate into their roadmaps.

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2/ Apple's health study

The second article, published on The Verge, details Apple's latest initiative in the Digital Health space. It has launched a comprehensive research initiative aiming to collect data from Apple's products to explore various health aspects (activity, cardiovascular health, cognition, hearing, and sleep) and accelerate discoveries that can lead to the development of new health features in Apple's products.

3/ Trends in data infrastructure

The third article, published on Venturebeat, lists trends expected around data infrastructures. It details 11 trends in that space based on views from experts. While AI remains the hottest tech topic worldwide, challenges surrounding data are growing. Storage, Platform-as-a-Service, governance or protection of unstructured data are among trends detailed in that article.

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